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Ph: (813) 234 – 8683 / Fax: (813) 236 – 2248

5101 N. 40th Street Suite B, Tampa, FL 33610
Empowerment Center Ph: (813) 374 - 9250
Mail: P.O. Box 4266 Tampa, Florida 33677
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Six GAME CHANGERS were identified by the NAACP to address the major areas of inequality facing African Americans that are the focus of the NAACP’s work.

The first step to making the game changers reality is to work with the standing committees in the branch. 

Please review these key initiatives and then choose your area of interest.  You will find the list of working committees and chairpersons for the committee.  Email contact information is included for the chairperson.  We need volunteers to make this a reality!  So, choose your area of interest then JOIN!!!!

They are:

Economic Sustainability – Our dream is that every person in America can live the American dream. Every person will have equal opportunity to achieve economic success, sustainability, and financial security.

Education – A free, high-quality, public education for all. followed by diverse opportunities for accessible, affordable vocational or university education.

Health – Everyone will have equal access to affordable, high-quality health care, and racially disparate health outcomes will end.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice – which means Equitable dispensation of justice for all  We work to end Disproportionate incarceration, racially motivated policing strategies, and racially biased, discriminatory, and mandatory minimum sentencing.

Voting Rights and Political Representation – Our goal is to Protect and enhance voting rights and fair representation which will increase democratic participation and civic engagement, and African Americans will be proportionally elected to political office.

Expanding Youth and Young Adult Engagement – through significant attention to expanding engagement with key age demographic (1979 and after).Young adult engagement will be key in policy research, development and advocacy on all levels.

As you might expect, making these game changers a reality will require a lot of work.  That is why we need you to come in; roll up your sleeves; and be ready to work with the local, state, and national branches of the NAACP to make this a reality.

AND ONE MORE THING.  Please review the following committees that work with other community organizations and groups to make Tampa a better place to live.